Published in 2002 Natural Selection , Free mod to the first Half-Life , looked like an ordinary team shooter. Map – orbital station, aliens against people. Aliens are born in hives, people emerge from portals. Fangs and claws against machine guns.
But it was worth playing longer, it turned out that everything was not so simple. The warring parties fought a fierce struggle for resources, erected buildings, and aliens, like graves, also mutated in more persistent life forms – for example, in a terrible onos, armored tricratops, swallowed the paratrooper entirely and digested him in a matter of seconds.
Mordogryza for you in a cocoon!
And that's not all. When playing for the paratroopers, you could sit in a command chair and look at the theater of fighting from a bird's eye view. The game turned into a real strategy. You gave orders to units (other players), bought upgrades, built buildings, treated fighters and dumped ammunition directly on the heads of the detachments recently emerging from a fierce battle. The aliens did not have a single management: the construction of structures was engaged in fat hills, and the general coordination of actions was on the conscience of ordinary players.
And now he is preparing for the exit Natural Selection 2 – Already not a mod, but an independent game that uses its own engine (the developers have refused for financial reasons) and will spread through Steam. Recently, the developers released alpha version, and we were one of the first to take part in its testing.
Commanders of infected stations
So far, the battle in Natural Selection 2 looks as follows (alien terms, please look in advance on our insert nearby). At first, the paratroopers, not particularly worried, shoot rocks from machine guns running along the walls. Then the Lerki begin to aptly spit into the paratroopers with spikes – in alternative fire mode, a sniper mode is turned on at the Lerks. A soldier hesitated near the walls pinchs with spikes to the pipes and reinforcement.
Then the bombardment begins with disputes – the hall is enveloped by abominable green clouds. People retreat; Close pots scatter seeds in the conquered territory, germinating in the disgusting three -headed hydra, starting to wagingly move the tentacles (one of the functions of the hydra is the warning of the aliens about the people nearby).
The paratroopers are re -equipped in the arsenal and under the strict guidance collect forces for a response impact … The commander builds turrets and chooses goals for them, treats paratroopers, supplies them ammunition, controls all the doors on the map, and also produces drones. The game has a special attitude with the doors: them (almost like in the film "Others" or in recent Alien Swarm ) it is necessary to close, brew, score with all available means – otherwise they will eat. The commander gives orders to the detachments, controls the development of technology and generally enjoys the full RTS gimplem with the adjustment that units are far from always removable from the first word.
The eyes of monsters. Stages of the evolution of aliens
Skalk – a basic variety of an alien, designed for close combat. He gnaws marines, runs along the walls and ceiling … The brightest of the new abilities is an upgrade Feed, after which rocks begin to restore their health, eating the corpses of paratroopers.
Lerki in the alpha NS2 successfully curl under the ceiling and spit people with spikes and clouds of murderous dispute. The ROOST option should allow the Lerks to hang under the ceiling upside down (the player will observe everything inverted) and conduct sniper fire in this position.
Although the commander of aliens is engaged in the main construction in NS2, Gorgi can also spit out simple structures – medical chambers and organic turrets. In addition, GORG is the main healing class of aliens. The developers are thinking about introducing the Belly Slide option to the game so that the pots can joyfully ride a belly on smooth surfaces.
Onos – a huge clumsy monster, simultaneously similar to tricratops and tank from Left 4 Dead. “Yes, it is quite possible to compare with the Onos tank,” Cleveland agrees. – As you could see in our teaser, onos can break off the brewed doors. He can also beat the earth with a hoof, destroying human buildings and stunning the paratroopers. The first appearance of the Onos was one of the most memorable moments of NS, so we are very trying to preserve this horror image!"
The main mobile unit of strangers – Fade – in the NS2 version is not yet available even in the form of a picture. But Charlie Cleveland says that his favorite feature in the game is the new “flicker” by Faids. “Even in the first part, I wanted to make the ability of Blink instant teleportation, but technical restrictions did not allow. In NS2, during "flicker" you feel like a night snake from "X -Men".
Poisonous ivy
According to Charlie Cleveland, the main developer of the second part (and almost the only developer of the first), the game for strangers wanted to make more strategic – well, at the same time to balance the gameplay for matches with the participation of large teams.
“In the first Natural Selection, resources were divided equally between the participants of the aliens team – that is, in matches with a small number of participants, each player had too many resources, and in mass battles – too few. In the end, we balanced the game for matches of 6 for 6 players, but in Natural Selection 2 we had where to develop ”.
We have not seen the most interesting in the game. Neither the main buildings and functions of the commanders, nor the updated giant onosos, nor the dynamic infection of the station – the walls of the premises occupied by aliens should be covered with an alien infection, under the influence of which human technology fails, doors are deformed and lights out.
“In the alpha version, we wanted to convey the main essence of our game. Paratroopers, claws, commanders, resources … Players get used to one or another role and attack the enemy, screaming feverishly something in microphones. Of course, we are still far from the public version. ".
Now the most important news that you probably already guessed. The aliens now also have a commander – he builds the main buildings (although Gorgs can also burp primitive protective and attacking structures) and activates the ability to buildings.
Strategist against the incident
True, the leader of xenomorphs cannot control the detachments and treat the swarm entered directly. The main alien has to operate with the environment and buildings – just like in .. Plants vs. Zombies! For example, some buildings can emit a cloud of gas stopping enemy bullets in the air. Once in the radius of the action of such a “shed”, the paratroopers are forced to combine flameters and get out of the grenade belt. If somewhere nearby on the ceiling hang lurks-snipers, then all these preparations will not help very much-you won’t finish the grenade, you won’t get a stream of fire.
But this is not all – by order of the commander, such a siege tower will be able to erupt small dummies from himself. "We have not really finalized them, but they should put up and gnaw at the paratroopers, interfere with them to concentrate". For a successful reprisal with annoying creatures, Cleveland recommends from afar to shoot all the towers seen with grenades. Then it will be too late!
Another commander of strangers can put his own – attention! – Feromonomes Tags that will inform the rest of the aliens, which at the moment the paratroopers are being launched and what damage to the hive are caused. Instead of robots, in subordination of the cixonomorph, flying insect-drift insects, one of the abilities of which is a self-destruction with a bright flash, blinding people.
From the point of view of the confrontant commanders, the Natural Selection 2 commanders will become a duel of the hardcore player in RTS (this, of course, the commander of people) with the master of Tower Defense (the leader of the hive), who can only stick through the whole map of the building and activate their abilities into the most responsible The moment of the fight.
* * *
Actually Unknown Worlds Makes three games at the same time – FPS, strategy and a kind of casual about the protection of tower. So far we have seen only the alpha version of FPS ..
The most interesting details of Natural Selection 2 (Babblers, Onos) are not yet ready, and the programmers have not reached some ideas at all. Cleveland says that they would very much like to make a dynamic electric network in the game – so that aliens could immerse entire levels into darkness, and the light in one room blinked ominously when strangers attack the neighboring one – but honestly admits that at the time of the release of all this in the game may not be.
Still, Natural Selection 2 is developing a very small team, the project is very unusual and requires a long and painful balancing. “The main thing now is to make an excellent basic game to which we can gradually roll out upgrades.”.
Actually, the developers of Alien Swarm have already managed to make a simple mod, a beautiful independent game from a simple fashion for Half-Life, so the Unknown Worlds is worse?
We will wait? Innovative team action, in which alien vil in real time entangles the space station, the commandos brew doors, and giant monsters pierce their foreheads.
Percentage of readiness: 50%
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